
Thursday, May 13, 2010

Mentally packing

For the last 6 months my time and thoughts have been consumed by a conference I'm helping to plan. It's been pretty much all-consuming, in fact. And now we're down to the wire. Only a few short weeks left before it's go-time and all the planning has to come together. It's mentally and physically exhausting and I am so grateful for such awesome people on my committee who have helped so much.

Here's the thing though....I'm ready for it all to be done! I'm nervous about all the details I haven't thought around yet and all that will come up last minute that are guaranteed to throw me into a tizzy. But these things are to be expected.

So what is getting me through it all?
I've booked the family cottage the week immediately following the conference to relax and be reclusive. Some think a week is too long to be reclusive, but I'll argue that it'll be needed after such a busy week of networking, and coordinating, and trouble-shooting.

And now, whilst all the planning is happening, I'm also mentally packing my bags.
  • What books do I want to read? I'm thinking a book or two, or four, that will be light, but engrossing.
  • What movies do I want to bring? Something that I've been meaning to watch, but haven't had the time + a few old standbys (BBC's Pride and Prejudice anyone?)
  • What knitting project/s do I want to start? And which skeins of wool should I bring?
  • What comfort foods and treats should I plan to bring with me?
  • And should I tackle on of the projects in my 2010 To Do List while I enjoy the free time?
As crazy as it sounds, I'm actually considering pulling out a bag and literally starting to pack. I think it may help keep me grounded while all the craziness is happening.

If you have any suggestions for any/all of the above, please feel free to share them.

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