
Friday, August 06, 2010

Reading Anna Karenina

Remember my update a week ago about how little progress I've made on my 2010 To Do List?
Well, I'm happy to report that, thanks to a new friend (who lives as far away as Hong Kong!), I'm finally making some progress now. It's amazing how a reading companion can make all the difference and offers exactly the motivation I needed to get started and (hopefully) get through the book!

So here's our approach:

The book is broken up into 8 sections, and each section is about 100 pages. We're going to read one section a month. It's a very manageable goal and there's still lots of time for you to join in if you are interested. In fact, we'd love for you to join us in our
Anna Karenina read-along.

The hardest part I've found about reading this book is keeping the characters straight - there are so many names, patronymic names, surnames that are similar. But Sarah has outlined them nicely (without spoilers) in her Anna Karenina Read-Along blog post, which is an enormous help. And once you get into the story, it gets easier to keep the names straight (or so I'm finding now that I've made a bit of progress).

So, what do you think? Has Anna Karenina been sitting on your shelf for years, like mine has, just waiting to be read? Or, have you always wanted to read Leo Tolstoy but never had the time or courage to delve into his books? Want to give it a try? There's no time like the present!

1 comment:

Sarah said...

Woohoo! We are on a roll now. I started getting into the story, too, and I've almost finished part 1. I was a bit sad when I realised that I wasn't meant to go further until September. But that's fine, because I think I got two friends interested by also posting about it on Facebook: Bronwyn and Karen. They are still deciding, but expressed some interest. :-) It's great to hear that you are also getting into it more now. I'm finding that there aren't really that many characters now that I've figured out who's who.