
Friday, June 22, 2007

3 websites of interest (to me, anyway)

I thought I'd share a few sites I've been visiting regularly (okay, okay, obsessively).
1. - For most of you, if not all, this is old news. But I thought I'd share it anyway since it's become an addiction of sorts for me. I've also had the chance to reconnect with several people from high school, from undergrad, etc. who I've lost touch with over the years. It's been really good.

2. - This one is probably new to all of you. I heard about it a couple years ago on CBC, bookmarked the page when they were still developing the service, and have been checking back periodically to see if the service has gone live. It's only been in the last little while that the site has been activated. The principle of the site is to offer free music downloads with the caveat that you have to be willing to watch/listen an advertisement first. I'm cool with that. I'm not tempted one bit by web-advertising so go ahead show me a promo. Now, I haven't actually done any downloading yet (partly because my silly laptop is very uncooperative!), but I've done quite a bit of searching in their music downloads, and they seem to have quite a variety. Go ahead - check it out.

3. - I thought I'd share one of the blogs I've been reading for the past year or so. I'll admit, it's a little strange to be following someone else's life, but I found I was quickly drawn into her blog. It actually has very little to do with archives, and more to do with knitting, but just the sheer fact that she does both had me hooked (crocheted?). Not to mention I identify with a lot of her "about me" points...which alone is a little weird.

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