
Tuesday, June 02, 2009

My patio garden at dusk

So my patio garden is started. And I was ambitious! Here's what I planted this year:
Kale! (on the right), and romaine lettuce (on the left)...
Scotia tomatoes and basil in the black planter, and sweet green peppers in the white...
Trailing petunias in the hanging baskets...

...and a few others that still need to be potted.

I also learned another gardening lesson this year: sometimes it's not worth trying to start plants from seed. You can get cell-packs of vegetables for super-cheap at Kent or Home Depot or Farmer Clem's and when you're only buying enough for a patio garden, the expense is minimal. So next year, I'm not bothering with seeds, unless they're scarlet runners which are just plain fun to start from seed.

1 comment:

Sherrie said...

Very nice! I hope everything flourishes for you. :)